Media Contact: Chloe Hsia, Director of Strategic Initiatives | | 702-496-9186
Las Vegas (April 20, 2023) The Asian Community Development Council (ACDC) recently released details for its upcoming Spring Resource Fair.
The Spring Resource Fair, with the theme of “Around the World!”, will be from 11 am to 3 pm on Saturday April 22, at the ACDC Main Office, located at 3235 S Rainbow Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89146.
ACDC is offering the Spring Resource Fair to all members of the community to provide help with applying for US citizenship assistance, food assistance, health insurance enrollment and SNAP. The event’s theme “Around the World!” emphasizes a multicultural approach, where we respect and learn from each other.
Citizenship application services will be available and an attorney will be onsite to answer questions regarding immigration cases.
“We’re excited to invite the community to the main ACDC office for the start of spring and to connect them with vital resources and direct support services that ACDC offers. These programs are designed to uplift and support AANHPI families and individuals,” said Weiss Solano, Director of Family Services at ACDC.
Visit the event’s landing page: for additional information about what documents to bring to apply for food assistance, health insurance, SNAP and/or citizenship assistance along with in-language event flyers and information.
The family-friendly, community-wide Resource Fair will also feature various food, crafts, and information vendors including PLAN (Progressive Leadership Alliance of NV), Legal Aid of Southern NV, Make The Road NV, Clark County Law Foundation, and Northwest Career College.
ACDC would like to give special thanks to the event’s sponsors: Sands Cares, Anthem, Select Health, Health Plan of NV and the City of Las Vegas.
On-Site Contact:
Weiss Solano, Director of Family Services
The Asian Community Development Council (ACDC) is a nonprofit, non-partisan organization dedicated to building, connecting, and educating the Asian and Pacific Islander community in Nevada. ACDC was officially chartered in 2015 in Las Vegas and opened their Reno location in 2022. ACDC opened the Healthy Asians & Pacific Islanders (HAPI) Medical Center in August 2022. Among the services ACDC offers include: voter education, health insurance enrollment assistance, citizenship application assistance, vaccination clinics (Influenza and COVID-19), culturally-sensitive food distribution, College Readiness Bootcamp, GraduAsian, Asian Night Market and the Run for Rice and Walk for Wellness 5k.
For more information about the Asian Community Development Council, visit