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If you’re struggling to pay rent due to COVID-19, there is help.
The State of Nevada is providing $30 million in short-term rental assistance to Nevadans experiencing financial hardship due to COVID-19. Funds will be paid directly to your landlord or property manager on your behalf. These residential rental relief funds are offered as a grant to eligible Nevada tenants and are not required to be paid back.
The Nevada Housing Division is administering this program in coordination with Clark County Social Services, the Reno Housing Authority, and the Nevada Rural Housing Authority.
Applicants must meet all of the following requirements to be eligible for funding:
- Must be a tenant in Nevada with a current, active lease in which back-rent is owed; – Assistance will be provided on a per-lease basis. For example, multiple individuals living in one home in separate rooms with separate leases are all eligible to receive funding; however, only one member of a household should apply if multiple household members all live together in one home under one lease.
- Must be able to demonstrate financial hardship due to COVID-19 (loss of employment, reduction in work hours, and/or reduction in wages);
- Must have a gross annual household income that is at or below 120% of Area Median Income (see chart below);
- Must not be receiving Federal Voucher Housing Assistance; and
- Household has liquid resources less than $3,000
Application Process:
- Visit
- Selects county of residence to be directed to the appropriate housing agency.
- Complete the application (you will be notified upon approval or if more information is needed).
- If approved, funds will be disbursed directly to your landlord.
View the full flyer for more information.